Knowledge and Practice

Mon - Sat: 08.00 am - 06:00 pm

50 High Street, Croydon CR0 1YB, UK

International Outreach

KAP Supports international communities

The Definition

Knowledge and Practice was created to share the most up-to-date information about best practices for delivering projects that impact the lives of marginalized communities.

We work with organisations and communities to deliver support, recognising that both have important contributions to make toward improving the quality of life for people.

Our focus is to bridge the gap between mainstream organisations and marginalised communities.

We aim to:

  • Work with communities in ways which make the best use of knowledge which will improve the life chances of marginalised communities.
  • Facilitate and increase the contribution of marginalised communities to wider public life.
  • Strengthen and develop links within the wider community.
  • Promote equality of opportunity for marginalised people.
  • Ensure that marginalised people’s interests are taken into account in decision making.
  • Empower people so that they make a contribution to the communities they live in.
  • Equip, enlighten, educate vulnerable people who have no means of receiving education.
The most disadvantaged young people face the impact of poverty, poor housing, poor educational outcomes and low levels of aspiration, our aim is to support in this area. to increase their life chances by raising their aspirations and developing transferable skills such as:
  • Health and Well-being.
  • Problem Solving.
  • Providing room for candid and open discussion on matters of interest and concern to marginalised.

Fight against Hunger

  • Every child gets at least one hot nutritious meal a day, to keep up with required nutrition- no child goes to bed hungry
  • Empowering community based organisations (CBOs) and the poor among the rural communities to use impact monitoring for project management, thus contributing to the sustainability of their project activities.

Capacity Building

  • Mentoring.
  • Empowering NGOs to further improve the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of their efforts by identifying best tools for impact Monitoring & Evaluation and best practices in the area of Savings & Credit.
  • Making social changes more visible in implementing and funding NGOs thus improving the development policy work.
  • Improving public recognition of NGOs and CBOs and their contribution to development.

Supporting international communities

Here's what we've been up to!

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